LIVE Event: Asking Better Questions about Student Engagement

The Eli Review Team—Jeff Grabill, Bill Hart-Davidson, Mike McLeod, and Melissa Graham Meeks—has found a new way to identify which students need our help, and we want to know if you see it too. We invite instructors interested in using data to increase writing improvement to talk through beta reports of student engagement in feedback and revision.
This is an advanced PD conversation for those interested in working closely with analytics. After registration, participants will receive files to review prior to the session. It will be ~ 1 hour and broken into three parts:
- Frame: Bill Hart-Davidson, What are we looking for, and why? (10 min)
- Tour of Beta Reports: Melissa Graham Meeks, What can we see? How is it helpful? (20 min)
- Q&A: What do you see that is interesting? How could you see it more effectively? (30 min)
Purpose for the Workshop
Our fundamental assumption is that writers learn from deliberate practice; feedback and reflection are where deliberate practice happens. The data Eli captures from students’ comments and notes can be used to see the intensity and quality of students’ practice, which can help instructors intervene more effectively.
Our goal for this conversation is to get feedback on new beta reports of student engagement, which may become features of the Eli Review app. We want to share our ideas about what the data means and doesn’t mean. We want your help in inventing new learning analytics that support best practices in teaching writing.
Sign Up
Fill out this simple form to indicate that you want to participate. You’ll gets links to join on meeting on 5/19 and to download the files we’ll discuss. Hope to see you there!