The dashboard is color-coded to show the writing process:
Eli makes it easy to write a little, get feedback from peers, and revise.
The Task Type column shows the color coding.
The Task Names are blue, indicating that you should click the task name to view the instructions for submitting your work.
Tasks are sorted from newest to oldest, though you can reverse that by clicking the arrow to the right of the Due Date column.
Tasks appear newest to oldest and show progress indicators.
Tasks have 4 progress indicators:
Incomplete: You have not yet submitted your work. Click the title of task to view the instructions and submit.
Note: In a review task, you cannot see any feedback you’ve received until you’ve given feedback to all the partners who have turned in their work.
Waiting: As a reviewer, you are expected to give feedback to everyone in your group, but one or more writers have not yet submitted their drafts. You are waiting on them in order to complete your assignment, but you will still able to view any feedback you’ve received so far.
Complete: You’ve submitted the required writing task, “sent feedback to peers” for all the required reviews, or “shared with instructor” the assigned revision plan.
Blue Person icon: Your completed task has feedback from a peer or from your instructor.